Search Photos

The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth hosts the best and most complete online collection of astronaut photographs of the Earth from 1961 through the present. Found below are several different methods to search through our database. You can also search programmatically with our API.

Search by Geographical Feature

If you have a particular feature in mind, use the "Search by Geographical Feature" tool to enter the feature name. Search with a city name, geological feature (mountain, volcano, ocean), or other similar features. You may also narrow down your search by specifying the region of the feature of interest. If you have further filtering needs, expand the "Advanced Search Options" section to narrow your search.

Include in search:

*Selection of this item will restrict results to cataloged photos.

Search by Map Area

Use the map below to search for an image within a defined area. Zoom and pan so that the area visible on the map is the area you wish to search. Click "Search for Photos" to submit the search.
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 4.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL
Southern-most Latitude: Northern-most Latitude: Western-most Longitude: Eastern-most Longitude:
If an area is defined in the coordinate fields above then it takes precedence over the map view. Units are degrees. For details see the map usage guide.
Select missions or none for all:
International Space Station



Apollo/Soyuz Test Project







Search Using Other Methods

The two search options below are more advanced, and for the user that has specific criteria in mind when searching through the astronaut photography database.
Search using NASA Photo IDs (List of missions)
Choose a filter (optional)
Both all cataloged and not cataloged
Cataloged with center point
Cataloged without a center point
Not cataloged
Has a caption
Has a cloud mask
Enter one or several NASA IDs in Mission-Roll-Frame format e.g. ISS039-E-12345, separated by line breaks and/or spaces and/or commas. You can specify frame ranges by using Mission-Roll-Frame1-Frame2 e.g. ISS039-E-1000-2000. You can specify all frames for a roll by leaving off the frame part e.g. STS110-740. You can specify all images in a mission by leaving off the roll and frame portions of the ID e.g. ISS001. You can find a list of missions at this link and in the selection list for the map on this page.

Only list frames for the specified mission(s) in each database table. The options above and any rolls and frames used in the search box are ignored when using this option.
Display frame numbers using ranges. Display frame numbers individually. These only apply if the Only list... checkbox is checked.
An API is also available for searching of the photography database: API Information