< STS068-202-96 >

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Spacecraft nadir point: 38.9° N, 75.7° W

Photo center point: 38.5° N, 75.0° W

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Nadir to Photo Center: Southeast

Spacecraft Altitude: 117 nautical miles (217km)
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Image Caption: STS068-202-096 Southeast Coast, Delaware & Maryland, U.S.A. October 1994
The east coast of southern Delaware and the east coast of Maryland share equal space in this northwest view of a color infrared image of their respective coastlines. The ability of the color infrared film product to differentiate the land-water boundaries help to identify even the short-flowing rivers that exist in this peninsula area of Maryland and Delaware. A series of bays aid in the location of specific geographic positions on the image. Starting at the north side of the picture (right edge) and moving south these bays include Rehoboth Bay and Indian River Bay (interconnected bays and both in Delaware) and Assawoman and Chincoteague Bays (both in Maryland-left edge). The sandy, barrier islands provide a tremendous tourist attraction during the summer months. Ocean City (Maryland), a major east coast resort city, is located on the southern end of a barrier island (lower middle part of image). The larger uniform looking red features show concentrations of woodlands; while the lighter reds (and non-red lands) and angular field patterns show where agricultural fields are located.