Photos Database API

On this page: Introduction, Database Tables and Fields, How to Use the API, Examples, Getting Images


The photos database contains information about astronaut photography of Earth that is available on this website. This API provides for submitting queries to that database and getting the results of those queries.

The Photos database API is a web script that accepts HTML form inputs using either GET or POST methods to get the database query parameters and fields to return and returns the results in JSON format.

Database Tables and Fields

In order to use the API, you need to use database table and field names and understand what sort of data are available for each table. The database tables and fields that this API uses are listed below along with explanations of each.

Some of the field descriptions refer to a "nadir point". That is the point on the Earth directly below the spacecraft when the photo was taken.

The mission, roll and frame fields in each table are the key fields used to relationally link the tables by the API. So the format and descriptions for those are the same for each table.

frames Table

The frames table holds records for photos that have been cataloged by humans. The fields in the table contain the metadata results from cataloging. Most of the photos in the database are not cataloged and so will not have records in this table.

missionThis is the spaceflight mission the photo was taken on. It is part of the photo identifier, which consists of mission-roll-frame.
rollThis is the designator for the roll of film the photo is on for film cameras or for electronic cameras it is "E". This is part of the photo identifier.
frameThis identifies the photo within the roll. It is usually a number but sometimes has letters. It is part of the photo identifier.
tiltThis describes the tilt of the camera with respect to the Earth. Possible values are "NV" for near vertical, "LO" for low oblique, "HO" for high oblique or a number that is the positive angle in degrees between a line pointing down to the Earth and line from the lens to where the lens is pointing on the Earth.
pdateThis is the UTC date the photo was taken in YYYYMMDD (YYYY = year, MM = month 01-12, DD = day of month) format.
ptimeThis is the UTC time the photo was taken in HHMMSS (HH = hour 00-23, MM = minute, SS = second) format.
cldpThis is the percentage of cloud cover. Some of these represent ranges, namely 10 represents 0-10, 25 11-25, 50 26-50, 75 51-75,100 76-100, although there are values in-between as well.
aziThis is the azimuth angle in degrees clockwise from north to where the sun is.
elevThis is the elevation angle in degrees from a plane tangent to the nadir point to where the sun is. Positive values are above the plane and negative values are below it. So this is useful for filtering based on how much sunlight was in the photo.
fcltThis is the focal length of the lens in millimeters.
latThis is the degrees of latitude (-90 to 90) of the center point of the photograph. Values are stored to the tenth of a degree.
lonThis is the degrees of longitude (-180 to 180) of the center point of the photograph. Values are stored to the tenth of a degree.
nlatThis is the degrees of latitude (-90 to 90) of the nadir point. Values are stored to the tenth of a degree.
nlonThis is the degrees of longitude (-180 to 180) of the nadir point. Values are stored to the tenth of a degree.
cameraThis is a two-characters code used to identify the camera. See Values for camera Found in the frames Table for a list of these.
filmThis is a code used to identify the media used by the camera. See Values for film Found in the frames Table for a list of these.
geonThis is the geographic name for what the photo is taken of. A standardized list is used although the list is changed when country names change and past photos cataloged prior to the name change are not changed to the new name since it doesn't apply to the time when the photo was taken.
featThis contains features identified in the photo.

Values for camera Found in the frames Table

Camera CodeDescription
AAAnsco Autoset
C1Canon Digital IXUS 700
DVSony HDW-700 HDTV (High Definition Television)
E2Kodak DCS460 Electronic Still Camera
E3Kodak DCS660 Electronic Still Camera
E4Kodak DCS760c Electronic Still Camera
MAMaurer model 220G
MSMaurer with Xenotar 80mm f/2.8 lens
N1Nikon D1 Electronic Still Camera
N2Nikon D2Xs Electronic Still Camera
N3Nikon D3 Electronic Still Camera
N4Nikon D3X Electronic Still Camera
N5Nikon D3S Electronic Still Camera
N6Nikon D4 Electronic Still Camera
N7Nikon D800E Electronic Still Camera
N8Nikon D5 Electronic Still Camera
N9Nikon D850 Electronic Still Camera
NKNikon 35mm film camera
SASkylab Multispectral (S190A)
SBSkylab Earth Terrain (S190B)

Values for film Found in the frames Table

Media CodeMedia TypeDescription
1035IDigital mediaSony HDW-700 Digital HDTV camcorder, 15x zoom lens, 1920 x 1035 interlaced
2000EDigital media2000 x 1312 pixel CCD, RGBG imager color filter
2041Color negativeKodak Pro PMZ 1000, color negative, process C-41, 35mm or 120mm
2106Color negativeKodak Vericolor III, 70mm negative unperforated, process C-41
2402Black and whiteKodak Plus-X Aerographic 70mm black and white
2415Black and whiteKodak Technical Pan Film 2415 Estar AH Base, B&W positive, ASA 100
2443Color infraredKodak Aerochrome 2443, color IR, thin base, EA-5 process thru June 1999, E-6 process afterward
2447Color positiveKodak Aerochrome II Duplicating Film, 70mm, process EA-5
2448Color positiveFine Grain Aerochrome II color-reversal camera film, 70mm, process EA-5
3060EDigital media3060 x 2036 pixel CCD, RGBG array
3072EDigital media3072 x 2304 pixels largest option, 1/1.8" CCD, ~7.1M pixels, Primary Color filter type
3101Color negativeKodak, natural color negative, Ektar 100-3101, ASA 125, standard base
4256EDigital media4256 x 2832 pixel CMOS sensor, 36.0mm x 23.9mm, total pixels: 12.87 million, Nikon FX format
4288EDigital media4288 x 2848 pixel CMOS sensor, RGBG imager color filter
4928EDigital media4928 x 3280 pixel CMOS sensor, 36.0mm x 23.9mm, total pixels: 16.6 million, Nikon FX format
5012Color positiveKodak Ektachrome 100, Professional, daylight balance
5017Color positiveKodak, natural color positive, Ektachrome, X Professional, ASA 64, standard base
5025Color positiveKodak Ektachrome X Professional ASA 64
5026Color negativeKodak, natural color negative, Vericolor III 5026, ASA 160, standard base
5028Color positiveKodak, color positive,Vericolor 400 Proof (VPH),ASA 400, standard base
5030Color negativeKodak, natural color negative, Ektapress 5030, ASA 1600,standard base
5036Color positiveKodak, natural color positive, Ektachrome 5036,200 Professional, ASA 200, stand
5046Color positiveKodak, natural color positive, Lumiere 100/5046, ASA 100, standard base
5048Color positiveKodak, natural color positive, Lumiere 100x/5048, ASA 100x, standard base
5069Color positiveKodak Elite 100S, E6 Reversal, Replaces Lumiere, Warmer in tone vs. Lumiere
5074Color positiveKodak Ektachrome 400, Daylight
5080Color negativeKodak Pro 400, color negative, ASA 400, 35mm
5095Color negativeKodak, color negative, Kodacolor VRG/100, ASA 100, standard base
5096Color negativeKodak, color negative, Gold Super 200, ASA 200, standard base
5245Color positiveKodak EXR 500
5250Color negativeEastman Color Negative, 35mm
5327Color positiveKodak, natural color positive, Ektar 25 Professional, ASA 25, standard base
5568EDigital media5568 x 3712 pixel CMOS sensor, 35.9 x 23.9 mm, total pixels: 21.33 million, Nikon FX format
5755Color negativePortra 160NC, color negative, 35mm, ASA 160
5775Color negativePortra 400NC, color negative, 35mm, ASA 400
5776Color positivePortra 400VC, color negative, 35mm, ASA 400
6017Color positiveKodak Ektachrome 64, 220 Roll Format
6048EDigital media6048 x 4032 pixel CMOS sensor, 35.9mm x 24.0mm, total pixels: 25.72 million, Nikon FX format
6118Color positiveKodak Ektachrome 64T, color positive, Professional Film, ASA 64
6144EDigital media19.4 megapixel CMOS, 6144 x 3160 effective pixels, 30.7 mm x 15.8 mm (diagonal: 34.5 mm)
7360EDigital media7360 x 4912 pixel CMOS sensor, 35.9mm x 24.0mm, total pixels: 36.8 million, Nikon FX format
8256EDigital media8256 x 5504 pixel CMOS sensor, 35.9mm x 23.9mm, total pixels: 46.89 million, Nikon FX format
8443Color infraredKodak Aerochrome IR, process: EA-4, replaced by 2443
ANSCOColor positiveAnscochrome T-100 Superior, ASA 100/64, Color positive
E2424Black and whiteKodak B&W infrared, no filter
E2424CBlack and whiteKodak B&W infrared, 0.7-0.8 micron filter band-pass
E2424DBlack and whiteKodak B&W infrared, 0.8-0.9 micron filter band-pass
E2443Color infraredKodak color infrared
E3414Black and whiteKodak Cadmium-enriched Hi-definition B&W Aerial film, "minus blue" Wratten filter
E3443Color infraredKodak infrared color, "minus blue" Wratten filter
EKTARColor negativeKodak Ektar 25 color negative Professional Film, ASA 25
FJ400Color negativeFuji natural color negative, FUJI NHG, ASA 400, standard base
FJ800Color negativeFuji color negative, 35mm, ASA 800
QXColor infraredKodak color infrared
QX807Color positiveSO368 film (fine-grain Ektachrome) with yellow dye layer equivalent to Wratten 2A
QX824Color positiveKodak Ektachrome 64
QX868Color positiveKodak, natural color positive, Ektachrome QX868(5017 emulsion), ASA 64, thin base
RS200Color positiveAGFA, natural color positive, Agfachrome 200RS Professional, ASA 200, standard
RS50Color positiveAGFA, natural color positive, Agfachrome Plus Professional, ASA 50, standard
RUSSIUnspecifiedRussian film of various types
SG800Color negativeFujicolorSG800, negative, 35mm, ASA 800
SN-10Color infraredRussian Color Infrared,2 dye layer, est. ASA 64,chlorophyl response is green
SO022Black and whiteKodak B&W infrared, no filter
SO022ABlack and whiteKodak Panatomic-X B&W, 0.5-0.6 micron filter band-pass
SO022BBlack and whiteKodak Panatomic-X B&W, 0.6-0.7 micron filter band-pass
SO117Color positiveKodak, natural color positive, Ektachrome SO117, ASA 400, standard base
SO121Color positiveKodak Ektachrome 64
SO131Color infraredKodak High Definition Aerochrome and Estar thin base, infrared color, "minus blue" Wratten filter
SO180Color infraredKodak Ektachrome infrared
SO217Color positiveKodak Ektachrome with haze filter
SO242Color positiveKodak hi resolution color
SO356Color positiveUnknown SkyLab
SO368Color positiveKodak Ektachrome MS, equivalent to 2448 Kodak Aerochrome, ASA64, thin base, fine grain
SO489Color positiveKodak Ektachrome, high speed, ASA 400
VELVIColor positiveFuji, natural color positive, Velvia 50, CS 135-36, ASA 32, standard base

images Table

The images table hold records for each image file we have in the database for the photos, one record per image. Each photo can have any number of images. Records for thumbnails are not included.

missionThis is the spaceflight mission the photo was taken on. It is part of the photo identifier, which consists of mission-roll-frame.
rollThis is the designator for the roll of film the photo is on for film cameras or for electronic cameras it is "E". This is part of the photo identifier.
frameThis identifies the photo within the roll. It is usually a number but sometimes has letters. It is part of the photo identifier.
directoryThis contains part of the directory path to where the image file is located.
filenameThis is the name of the image file. No path information is included.
widthThis is the width of the image in pixels.
heightThis is the height of the image in pixels.
annotatedThis flags whether or not the image has been annotated. "Y" means yes it has and "N" means no it has not.
croppedThis flags whether or not the image has been cropped. "Y" means yes it has and "N" means no it has not.
filesizeThis is the size of the image file in bytes.

nadir Table

The nadir table hold spacecraft position and sun position information at the time the photos were taken for photos that have not yet been cataloged. When photos are cataloged, record for the photo is removed from this table and merged into the frames table.

missionThis is the spaceflight mission the photo was taken on. It is part of the photo identifier, which consists of mission-roll-frame.
rollThis is the designator for the roll of film the photo is on for film cameras or for electronic cameras it is "E". This is part of the photo identifier.
frameThis identifies the photo within the roll. It is usually a number but sometimes has letters. It is part of the photo identifier.
pdateThis is the UTC date the photo was taken in YYYYMMDD (YYYY = year, MM = month 01-12, DD = day of month) format.
ptimeThis is the UTC time the photo was taken in HHMMSS (HH = hour 00-23, MM = minute, SS = second) format.
latThis is the degrees of latitude (-90 to 90) of the nadir point. Values are stored to the tenth of a degree.
lonThis is the degrees of longitude (-180 to 180) of the nadir point. Values are stored to the tenth of a degree.
aziThis is the azimuth angle in degrees clockwise from north to where the sun is.
elevThis is the elevation angle in degrees from a plane tangent to the nadir point to where the sun is. Positive values are above the plane and negative values are below it. So this is useful for filtering based on how much sunlight was in the photo.
cldpThis is the percentage of cloud cover. Since this cannot be programmatically determined based on time as the other fields, it is determined using machine learning. Unlike cloud percentages determine by humans, which can be tied to ranges as described above in the frames table, these are not tied to ranges.

camera Table

The camera table holds camera information for photos that are not yet cataloged. Records are removed from this table when the corresponding photos are cataloged.

missionThis is the spaceflight mission the photo was taken on. It is part of the photo identifier, which consists of mission-roll-frame.
rollThis is the designator for the roll of film the photo is on for film cameras or for electronic cameras it is "E". This is part of the photo identifier.
frameThis identifies the photo within the roll. It is usually a number but sometimes has letters. It is part of the photo identifier.
fcltThis is the focal length of the lens in millimeters.
cameraThis is holds make, model and serial number if available for the camera. Unlike the the camera field in the frames table, this is not linked to a code that indexes the camera description.

captions Table

The captions table contains the captions people have written for the photos. Most photos do not have captions. This table also holds short one-line captions for photos cataloged by schools that identify which school cataloged the photo.

missionThis is the spaceflight mission the photo was taken on. It is part of the photo identifier, which consists of mission-roll-frame.
rollThis is the designator for the roll of film the photo is on for film cameras or for electronic cameras it is "E". This is part of the photo identifier.
frameThis identifies the photo within the roll. It is usually a number but sometimes has letters. It is part of the photo identifier.
captionThis is the caption. These use HTML
tags for formatting with line breaks rather than containing line break characters. So the text for each caption is stored in a string without line breaks.

mlfeat Table

The mlfeat table holds features determined using machine learning. This website labels photos as "Cataloged By Machine Learning" if any of the features here are not "PAN-". The "PAN-" feature means that the photo contains the horizon.

missionThis is the spaceflight mission the photo was taken on. It is part of the photo identifier, which consists of mission-roll-frame.
rollThis is the designator for the roll of film the photo is on for film cameras or for electronic cameras it is "E". This is part of the photo identifier.
frameThis identifies the photo within the roll. It is usually a number but sometimes has letters. It is part of the photo identifier.
featThis is a list of features found by machine learning. Items in the list are separated from each other by a comma followed by a space.

mlcoord Table

The mlcoord table holds center points of photos determined using machine learning for those photos that have had their center points determined this way.

missionThis is the spaceflight mission the photo was taken on. It is part of the photo identifier, which consists of mission-roll-frame.
rollThis is the roll of film the photo is on for film cameras or for electronic cameras it is "E". This is part of the photo identifier.
frameThis identifies the photo within the roll. It is usually a number but sometimes has letters. It is part of the photo identifier.
latThis is the degrees of latitude (-90 to 90) of the center point.
lonThis is the degrees of longitude (-180 to 180) of the center point.
orientationThis is the clockwise angle in degrees from photo upwards direction (vector from lower left to upper left corner of image) to geographic north. This was determined using the image for the photo that is under the ESC\large folder.
resolution_long, resolution_shortThis is the average spatial resolution of the large (full size) ESC (found under the ESC folder) image along the short/long side in meters per pixel. Pixels throughout an image are not uniform in resolution, so the reported value is averaged over the entire image in the defined direction.
ul_lat, ul_lon, ur_lat, ur_lon, ll_lat, ll_lon, lr_lat, lr_lonThese are the upper left (ul), upper-right (ur), lower-left (ll) and lower-right(lr) latitudes (lat) and longitudes (lon) of the image (can be used to build an image footprint/extent). These were determined using the image for the photo that is under the ESC\large folder.

publicfeatures Table

The publicfeatures table holds features identified by image detectives. Image detectives are members of the public that use our website to help us identify photos.

missionThis is the spaceflight mission the photo was taken on. It is part of the photo identifier, which consists of mission-roll-frame.
rollThis is the designator for the roll of film the photo is on for film cameras or for electronic cameras it is "E". This is part of the photo identifier.
frameThis identifies the photo within the roll. It is usually a number but sometimes has letters. It is part of the photo identifier.
featuresFeatures found in the photos that are identified by image detectives are here. The convention is to separate them with commas.

How to Use the API

Using the API is done by sending an HTTPS request to Three arguments are supported and all are required:

query Argument

The "query" argument consists of items separated with pipes (|). The items are treated as groups of four subitems, one group for each query parameter. The subitems are these:

  1. table - This is the database table this query parameter pertains to as shown in the Database Tables and Fields section.
  2. field - This is the field in the database table this query parameter pertains to as shown in the Database Tables and Fields section.
  3. operator - This is the operator used for this query parameter. Here's the possible values of operator:
    • gt - The left operand (the field) is greater than the right operand (the value)
    • ge - greater than or equal to
    • lt - less than
    • le - less than or equal to
    • eq - equal to
    • ne - not equal to
    • like - This is used to find strings within fields. The wildcard character supported in the value field is the asterisk (*). As an example, this operator used with a value of "*foo*" will find records in which the field contains "foo" anywhere in its value.
    • not like - Like "like" but the negation of it. e.g. "not like" with a value of "*foo*" will find records that do not have "foo" in its value.
  4. value - This is the right-side operand for the query parameter, or in other words the item used to compare the "field" to using the "operator". The characters that are allowed in this field are these:
    • letters (a-zA-Z)
    • number digits (0-9)
    • the space character ( )
    • asterisk (*) (This is the wildcard character when using the "like" or "not like" operators.)
    • dash (-)
    • period (.)
    • comma (,)

return Argument

The "return" argument consists of items separated with pipes (|). The items are treated as groups of two subitems, one group for each item to be returned by the query. The subitems are these:

  1. table - This is the database table the field to be returned resides in as shown in the Database Tables and Fields section.
  2. field - This is the field in the table to be returned as shown in the Database Tables and Fields section.

key Argument

We use the key to track and control API usage. API keys are free. You can email us to request one.

Items are returned as JSON.

HTTPS requests can be sent using web browsers, scripts, or other software capable of getting web pages, such as curl or wget. This API supports both GET and POST types of requests.

GET requests occur when the arguments are specified in the URL. They start after a question mark (?) at the end of the address, are separated by an ampersand (&) and consist of a variable name followed by an equal sign (=) followed by a value. For example, https://some.web.path?vara=foo&varb=bar would be a GET request to https://some.web.path with two arguments: 1) "vara" with a value of "foo" and 2) "varb" with a value of "bar".

POST requests do not have their arguments in the URL but rather they are in the body of the HTTP request. The data are formatted the same as in the GET requests in that it consists of variable=value pairs separated with ampersands (&).

Some considerations:

  • All the specified query parameters must be satisfied for each photo record in order for it to be returned. In other words, the query parameters are joined with "AND" logic.
  • If multiple tables are specified in the "return" list then records must exist for the photo in each of those tables regardless of whether or not the tables in the "query" list use those tables. This is because an inner join is used to combine tables.
  • Lower case letters are required for argument variable names, table names, field names and operators passed in the arguments.
  • The case of the letters in the "value" parts of the "query" argument does not matter since the queries are not case-sensitive.
  • The order in which fields are listed in "return" argument has no bearing on the order they are listed in the returned JSON nor is there any guaranteed order from query to query.


These examples are shown using the URLs and so use the GET method. The method for using the POST method depends on which software you are using to send the request. For software like curl and wget it involves passing the text after the question mark as the POST data argument in the software you are using.

This API returns JSON that is not pretty-formatted. In other words, there are no added line breaks nor whitespace to make it look pretty; it is returned all on one line. In order to show the results in the examples below, the output has been formatted by a JSON formatter in order to get the prettier/human friendly version.

This example gets the directory and file name of images for uncataloged photos taken on May 1 2022 UTC.|pdate|eq|20220501&return=images|directory|images|filename&key=your_key
		"": "ESC/large/ISS067",
		"images.filename": "ISS067-E-34710.JPG"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS067",
		"images.filename": "ISS067-E-34710.JPG"
		"": "ESC/large/ISS067",
		"images.filename": "ISS067-E-33237.JPG"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS067",
		"images.filename": "ISS067-E-33237.JPG"
		"": "ESC/large/ISS067",
		"images.filename": "ISS067-E-34711.JPG"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS067",
		"images.filename": "ISS067-E-34711.JPG"
		"": "ESC/large/ISS067",
		"images.filename": "ISS067-E-34709.JPG"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS067",
		"images.filename": "ISS067-E-34709.JPG"

This example gets the directory and file name of images for cataloged photos taken on March 24 2022 UTC.|pdate|eq|20220324&return=images|directory|images|filename&key=your_key
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176637.JPG"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176637.JPG"
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176639.JPG"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176639.JPG"
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176642.JPG"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176642.JPG"
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176646.JPG"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176646.JPG"
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176649.JPG"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176649.JPG"
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176652.JPG"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176652.JPG"
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176654.JPG"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176654.JPG"
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176656.JPG"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176656.JPG"
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176661.JPG"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176661.JPG"
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176664.JPG"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176664.JPG"
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176667.JPG"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176667.JPG"
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176670.JPG"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176670.JPG"
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176673.JPG"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176673.JPG"
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176678.JPG"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176678.JPG"
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176679.JPG"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176679.JPG"
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176680.JPG"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176680.JPG"
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176684.JPG"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176684.JPG"
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176687.JPG"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176687.JPG"
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176689.JPG"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176689.JPG"
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176694.JPG"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176694.JPG"
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176695.JPG"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176695.JPG"
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176700.JPG"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176700.JPG"
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176703.JPG"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176703.JPG"
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176706.JPG"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176706.JPG"
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176709.JPG"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176709.JPG"
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176710.JPG"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176710.JPG"
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176712.JPG"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176712.JPG"

This example gets the directory and file name of images for cataloged photos taken March 24 2022 UTC with "large" in the directory name.|pdate|eq|20220324|images|directory|like|*large*&return=images|directory|images|filename&key=your_key
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176637.JPG",
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066"
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176639.JPG",
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066"
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176642.JPG",
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066"
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176646.JPG",
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066"
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176649.JPG",
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066"
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176652.JPG",
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066"
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176654.JPG",
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066"
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176656.JPG",
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066"
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176661.JPG",
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066"
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176664.JPG",
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066"
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176667.JPG",
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066"
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176670.JPG",
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066"
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176673.JPG",
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066"
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176678.JPG",
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066"
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176679.JPG",
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066"
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176680.JPG",
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066"
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176684.JPG",
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066"
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176687.JPG",
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066"
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176689.JPG",
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066"
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176694.JPG",
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066"
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176695.JPG",
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066"
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176700.JPG",
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066"
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176703.JPG",
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066"
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176706.JPG",
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066"
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176709.JPG",
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066"
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176710.JPG",
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066"
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-176712.JPG",
		"": "ESC/large/ISS066"

This example returns the geographic name, features, image directory and image file name for cataloged photos in which "Galveston" and "bayou" are somewhere in the features (feat) field and "large" is not somewhere in the image directory field.|feat|like|*Galveston*|frames|feat|like|*bayou*|images|directory|not like|*large*&return=frames|geon|frames|feat|images|directory|images|filename&key=your_key

		"frames.feat": "GALVESTON, OFFATTS BAYOU",
		"": "city/highres/ISS001",
		"images.filename": "ISS001-E-6396.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"frames.feat": "GALVESTON, OFFATTS BAYOU",
		"": "city/lowres/ISS001",
		"images.filename": "ISS001-E-6396.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"frames.feat": "GALVESTON, OFFATTS BAYOU",
		"": "city/registered",
		"images.filename": "ISS001-E-6396.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"frames.feat": "GALVESTON, OFFATTS BAYOU",
		"": "ESC/small/ISS001",
		"images.filename": "ISS001-E-6396.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"frames.feat": "GALVESTON, OFFATTS BAYOU",
		"": "ESC/small/ISS001",
		"images.filename": "ISS001-E-6397.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"frames.feat": "OFFATTS BAYOU, GALVESTON, BAY",
		"": "ESC/small/ISS017",
		"images.filename": "ISS017-E-18021.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS018",
		"images.filename": "ISS018-E-7014.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS020",
		"images.filename": "ISS020-E-6102.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS033",
		"images.filename": "ISS033-E-21713.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS033",
		"images.filename": "ISS033-E-21714.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS033",
		"images.filename": "ISS033-E-21715.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS036",
		"images.filename": "ISS036-E-24705.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS038",
		"images.filename": "ISS038-E-30874.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS041",
		"images.filename": "ISS041-E-28663.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS041",
		"images.filename": "ISS041-E-102215.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS041",
		"images.filename": "ISS041-E-102216.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS041",
		"images.filename": "ISS041-E-102217.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS041",
		"images.filename": "ISS041-E-102218.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS041",
		"images.filename": "ISS041-E-102219.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS041",
		"images.filename": "ISS041-E-102220.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS041",
		"images.filename": "ISS041-E-102221.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS041",
		"images.filename": "ISS041-E-102222.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS041",
		"images.filename": "ISS041-E-102223.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS041",
		"images.filename": "ISS041-E-102224.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS041",
		"images.filename": "ISS041-E-102225.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS041",
		"images.filename": "ISS041-E-102226.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS041",
		"images.filename": "ISS041-E-102227.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS041",
		"images.filename": "ISS041-E-102228.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS041",
		"images.filename": "ISS041-E-102229.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS041",
		"images.filename": "ISS041-E-102230.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS041",
		"images.filename": "ISS041-E-102231.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS044",
		"images.filename": "ISS044-E-412.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS044",
		"images.filename": "ISS044-E-413.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS044",
		"images.filename": "ISS044-E-414.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS044",
		"images.filename": "ISS044-E-415.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS044",
		"images.filename": "ISS044-E-418.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS044",
		"images.filename": "ISS044-E-419.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS044",
		"images.filename": "ISS044-E-420.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS044",
		"images.filename": "ISS044-E-421.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS044",
		"images.filename": "ISS044-E-422.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS044",
		"images.filename": "ISS044-E-423.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS044",
		"images.filename": "ISS044-E-424.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS044",
		"images.filename": "ISS044-E-425.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS044",
		"images.filename": "ISS044-E-426.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS057",
		"images.filename": "ISS057-E-134365.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS059",
		"images.filename": "ISS059-E-27432.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS059",
		"images.filename": "ISS059-E-27433.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS059",
		"images.filename": "ISS059-E-27434.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS059",
		"images.filename": "ISS059-E-27435.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS059",
		"images.filename": "ISS059-E-36316.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS059",
		"images.filename": "ISS059-E-88084.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"
		"": "ESC/small/ISS066",
		"images.filename": "ISS066-E-131559.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS"

This example is the same as the one above except instead of using the features (feat) field of the frames table it uses the features field of the publicfeatures table, which is what the public submitted to us using the image detectives system.|features|like|*Galveston*|publicfeatures|features|like|*bayou*|images|directory|not like|*large*&return=frames|geon|publicfeatures|features|images|directory|images|filename&key=your_key
		"images.filename": "ISS020-E-11487.JPG",
		"publicfeatures.features": "SAN LEON,GALVESTON B.,MOSES BAYOU,SHELL I.",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS",
		"": "ESC/small/ISS020"
		"images.filename": "ISS037-E-1150.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS",
		"": "ESC/small/ISS037"
		"images.filename": "ISS039-E-12150.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS",
		"": "ESC/small/ISS039"
		"images.filename": "ISS041-E-102251.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS",
		"": "ESC/small/ISS041"
		"images.filename": "ISS041-E-102263.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS",
		"": "ESC/small/ISS041"
		"images.filename": "ISS055-E-2350.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS",
		"": "ESC/small/ISS055"
		"images.filename": "ISS055-E-2351.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS",
		"": "ESC/small/ISS055"
		"images.filename": "ISS055-E-33592.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS",
		"": "ESC/small/ISS055"
		"images.filename": "ISS057-E-134364.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS",
		"": "ESC/small/ISS057"
		"images.filename": "ISS061-E-67391.JPG",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS",
		"": "ESC/small/ISS061"

This example gets the geographic name, features, caption, image directory and image filename for cataloged photos with "San Antonio" and "airport" somewhere in the caption. Use the scroll bar below the list to see the entire caption.|caption|like|*San Antonio*|captions|caption|like|*airport*&return=frames|geon|frames|feat|captions|caption|images|directory|images|filename&key=your_key
		"images.filename": "STS026-44-37.JPG",
		"frames.feat": "ALICE, L. CORPUS CHRISTI",
		"captions.caption": "STS026-044-037  Lake Corpus Christi and Alice, Texas, U.S.A.  October 1988<br>Apparent in this east-looking photograph of rural south Texas is a lack of overall contrast.  Visible are several manmade features--Interstate Highway 37, which connects San Antonio and Corpus Christi, and two intersecting airport runways (bottom center), south of which lies the small town of Alice.  A swath of green vegetation identifies the watercourse of the Nueces River and Lake Corpus Christi (barely discernible) within its floodplain (left edge).  Most of the nongreen areas are agricultural lands that have been harvested.",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS",
		"": "EFS/highres/STS026"
		"images.filename": "STS026-44-37.JPG",
		"frames.feat": "ALICE, L. CORPUS CHRISTI",
		"captions.caption": "STS026-044-037  Lake Corpus Christi and Alice, Texas, U.S.A.  October 1988<br>Apparent in this east-looking photograph of rural south Texas is a lack of overall contrast.  Visible are several manmade features--Interstate Highway 37, which connects San Antonio and Corpus Christi, and two intersecting airport runways (bottom center), south of which lies the small town of Alice.  A swath of green vegetation identifies the watercourse of the Nueces River and Lake Corpus Christi (barely discernible) within its floodplain (left edge).  Most of the nongreen areas are agricultural lands that have been harvested.",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS",
		"": "EFS/lowres/STS026"
		"images.filename": "STS026-44-37.JPG",
		"frames.feat": "ALICE, L. CORPUS CHRISTI",
		"captions.caption": "STS026-044-037  Lake Corpus Christi and Alice, Texas, U.S.A.  October 1988<br>Apparent in this east-looking photograph of rural south Texas is a lack of overall contrast.  Visible are several manmade features--Interstate Highway 37, which connects San Antonio and Corpus Christi, and two intersecting airport runways (bottom center), south of which lies the small town of Alice.  A swath of green vegetation identifies the watercourse of the Nueces River and Lake Corpus Christi (barely discernible) within its floodplain (left edge).  Most of the nongreen areas are agricultural lands that have been harvested.",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS",
		"": "ISD/highres/STS026"
		"images.filename": "STS026-44-37.JPG",
		"frames.feat": "ALICE, L. CORPUS CHRISTI",
		"captions.caption": "STS026-044-037  Lake Corpus Christi and Alice, Texas, U.S.A.  October 1988<br>Apparent in this east-looking photograph of rural south Texas is a lack of overall contrast.  Visible are several manmade features--Interstate Highway 37, which connects San Antonio and Corpus Christi, and two intersecting airport runways (bottom center), south of which lies the small town of Alice.  A swath of green vegetation identifies the watercourse of the Nueces River and Lake Corpus Christi (barely discernible) within its floodplain (left edge).  Most of the nongreen areas are agricultural lands that have been harvested.",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS",
		"": "ISD/lowres/STS026"
		"images.filename": "STS026-44-37_2.JPG",
		"frames.feat": "ALICE, L. CORPUS CHRISTI",
		"captions.caption": "STS026-044-037  Lake Corpus Christi and Alice, Texas, U.S.A.  October 1988<br>Apparent in this east-looking photograph of rural south Texas is a lack of overall contrast.  Visible are several manmade features--Interstate Highway 37, which connects San Antonio and Corpus Christi, and two intersecting airport runways (bottom center), south of which lies the small town of Alice.  A swath of green vegetation identifies the watercourse of the Nueces River and Lake Corpus Christi (barely discernible) within its floodplain (left edge).  Most of the nongreen areas are agricultural lands that have been harvested.",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS",
		"": "ISD/lowres/STS026"
		"images.filename": "STS049-97-N.JPG",
		"frames.feat": "SAN ANTONIO",
		"captions.caption": "STS049-97-N  San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A.  May 1992<br>The outline of urban San Antonio, barely discernible in this color-infrared photograph (upper right quadrant), shows Texas Highway 1604 (the thin line that encircles the northern part of the city) and parts of Interstate Highway 410 (the inner loop, which traverses rolling terrain, especially along the southern edge of the city).  Within the center of these highway systems lies the central business district.  North of the city (top of photograph) is the dark Balcones fault system (the uplifted balcony) with white spots marking several quarries that produce limestone for cement and road gravel.  Visible are three of the city's airports--Randolph Air Force Base with its dual runways (northeast); San Antonio International Airport, north of downtown; and Kelly Air Force Base southwest of downtown--and three lakes south-southeast of the city--large Calaveras Lake; Braunig Lake; and Mitchell Lake, the smallest.  Apparent west of the city are rural Medina Valley, a region of rich soils and abundant crops, and the main channel of the Medina River as it loops around and turns eastward, and to the south is the low, rolling topography of sandy soils, sand hills, and mudstone beds. <br>",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS",
		"": "EFS/highres/STS049"
		"images.filename": "STS049-97-N.JPG",
		"frames.feat": "SAN ANTONIO",
		"captions.caption": "STS049-97-N  San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A.  May 1992<br>The outline of urban San Antonio, barely discernible in this color-infrared photograph (upper right quadrant), shows Texas Highway 1604 (the thin line that encircles the northern part of the city) and parts of Interstate Highway 410 (the inner loop, which traverses rolling terrain, especially along the southern edge of the city).  Within the center of these highway systems lies the central business district.  North of the city (top of photograph) is the dark Balcones fault system (the uplifted balcony) with white spots marking several quarries that produce limestone for cement and road gravel.  Visible are three of the city's airports--Randolph Air Force Base with its dual runways (northeast); San Antonio International Airport, north of downtown; and Kelly Air Force Base southwest of downtown--and three lakes south-southeast of the city--large Calaveras Lake; Braunig Lake; and Mitchell Lake, the smallest.  Apparent west of the city are rural Medina Valley, a region of rich soils and abundant crops, and the main channel of the Medina River as it loops around and turns eastward, and to the south is the low, rolling topography of sandy soils, sand hills, and mudstone beds. <br>",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS",
		"": "EFS/lowres/STS049"
		"images.filename": "STS049-97-N.JPG",
		"frames.feat": "SAN ANTONIO",
		"captions.caption": "STS049-97-N  San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A.  May 1992<br>The outline of urban San Antonio, barely discernible in this color-infrared photograph (upper right quadrant), shows Texas Highway 1604 (the thin line that encircles the northern part of the city) and parts of Interstate Highway 410 (the inner loop, which traverses rolling terrain, especially along the southern edge of the city).  Within the center of these highway systems lies the central business district.  North of the city (top of photograph) is the dark Balcones fault system (the uplifted balcony) with white spots marking several quarries that produce limestone for cement and road gravel.  Visible are three of the city's airports--Randolph Air Force Base with its dual runways (northeast); San Antonio International Airport, north of downtown; and Kelly Air Force Base southwest of downtown--and three lakes south-southeast of the city--large Calaveras Lake; Braunig Lake; and Mitchell Lake, the smallest.  Apparent west of the city are rural Medina Valley, a region of rich soils and abundant crops, and the main channel of the Medina River as it loops around and turns eastward, and to the south is the low, rolling topography of sandy soils, sand hills, and mudstone beds. <br>",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS",
		"": "ISD/highres/STS049"
		"images.filename": "STS049-97-N.JPG",
		"frames.feat": "SAN ANTONIO",
		"captions.caption": "STS049-97-N  San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A.  May 1992<br>The outline of urban San Antonio, barely discernible in this color-infrared photograph (upper right quadrant), shows Texas Highway 1604 (the thin line that encircles the northern part of the city) and parts of Interstate Highway 410 (the inner loop, which traverses rolling terrain, especially along the southern edge of the city).  Within the center of these highway systems lies the central business district.  North of the city (top of photograph) is the dark Balcones fault system (the uplifted balcony) with white spots marking several quarries that produce limestone for cement and road gravel.  Visible are three of the city's airports--Randolph Air Force Base with its dual runways (northeast); San Antonio International Airport, north of downtown; and Kelly Air Force Base southwest of downtown--and three lakes south-southeast of the city--large Calaveras Lake; Braunig Lake; and Mitchell Lake, the smallest.  Apparent west of the city are rural Medina Valley, a region of rich soils and abundant crops, and the main channel of the Medina River as it loops around and turns eastward, and to the south is the low, rolling topography of sandy soils, sand hills, and mudstone beds. <br>",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS",
		"": "ISD/lowres/STS049"
		"images.filename": "STS049-97-N_2.JPG",
		"frames.feat": "SAN ANTONIO",
		"captions.caption": "STS049-97-N  San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A.  May 1992<br>The outline of urban San Antonio, barely discernible in this color-infrared photograph (upper right quadrant), shows Texas Highway 1604 (the thin line that encircles the northern part of the city) and parts of Interstate Highway 410 (the inner loop, which traverses rolling terrain, especially along the southern edge of the city).  Within the center of these highway systems lies the central business district.  North of the city (top of photograph) is the dark Balcones fault system (the uplifted balcony) with white spots marking several quarries that produce limestone for cement and road gravel.  Visible are three of the city's airports--Randolph Air Force Base with its dual runways (northeast); San Antonio International Airport, north of downtown; and Kelly Air Force Base southwest of downtown--and three lakes south-southeast of the city--large Calaveras Lake; Braunig Lake; and Mitchell Lake, the smallest.  Apparent west of the city are rural Medina Valley, a region of rich soils and abundant crops, and the main channel of the Medina River as it loops around and turns eastward, and to the south is the low, rolling topography of sandy soils, sand hills, and mudstone beds. <br>",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS",
		"": "ISD/lowres/STS049"
		"images.filename": "STS050-71-97.JPG",
		"frames.feat": "SAN ANTONIO AREA",
		"captions.caption": "STS050-071-097  San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A.  June 1992<br>San Antonio, Texas, one of the dynamic Sun Belt cities of the United States, is shown in this near-vertical, cloud-free photograph.  In addition to the downtown central business district and the grid street pattern of this fast-growing urban area, an extensive highway network is visible in the photograph.  Two distinct "loop" highways can be seen encircling the city--the inner loop (Interstate Highway 410) has an average radius of 7 miles (11 kilometers) from the central business district, and the outer loop (Highway 1604) has an average radius of 12 miles (19 kilometers).  Interstate Highway 10 radiates eastward and northward; Interstate Highway 35 radiates to the northeast and southwest.  San Antonio was founded around permanent springs that rise at the foot of the Balcones Escarpment, which separates the Texas Hill Country from the South Texas Plains.  Limestone quarries (highly reflective areas on the northeast side outside Highway 1604) are visible along the edge of the escarpment.  San Antonio is a major location for military training bases:  Randolph Air Force Base is on the northeast edge of the city between Interstate Highway 35 and Interstate Highway 10; Fort Sam Houston is located within the northeast quadrant of the city inside the outer loop; Brooks Air Force Base is located in the southeast corner of the city inside Interstate Highway 410; and Lackland Air Force Base and Kelly Air Force Base are within the suburban fringe southwest of downtown.  San Antonio International Airport can be seen in the northern part of the city between Interstate Highway 410 and Highway 1604.  The Medina River, which originates in the Texas Hill Country west of San Antonio, can be seen meandering around the western and southern fringes of this large metropolitan area.  Distinct field patterns south of the city show an area used primarily for agriculture.<br><br>This sharp, cloud free view of San Antonio, Texas (29.5N, 98.5W) illustrates the classic pattern of western cities. The city has a late nineteenth century Anglo grid pattern overlaid onto an earlier, less regular Hispanic settlement. A well marked central business district having streets laid out north/south and east/west is surrounded by blocks of suburban homes and small businesses set between the older colonial radial transportation routes.",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS",
		"": "city/lowres/STS050"
		"images.filename": "STS050-71-97.JPG",
		"frames.feat": "SAN ANTONIO AREA",
		"captions.caption": "STS050-071-097  San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A.  June 1992<br>San Antonio, Texas, one of the dynamic Sun Belt cities of the United States, is shown in this near-vertical, cloud-free photograph.  In addition to the downtown central business district and the grid street pattern of this fast-growing urban area, an extensive highway network is visible in the photograph.  Two distinct "loop" highways can be seen encircling the city--the inner loop (Interstate Highway 410) has an average radius of 7 miles (11 kilometers) from the central business district, and the outer loop (Highway 1604) has an average radius of 12 miles (19 kilometers).  Interstate Highway 10 radiates eastward and northward; Interstate Highway 35 radiates to the northeast and southwest.  San Antonio was founded around permanent springs that rise at the foot of the Balcones Escarpment, which separates the Texas Hill Country from the South Texas Plains.  Limestone quarries (highly reflective areas on the northeast side outside Highway 1604) are visible along the edge of the escarpment.  San Antonio is a major location for military training bases:  Randolph Air Force Base is on the northeast edge of the city between Interstate Highway 35 and Interstate Highway 10; Fort Sam Houston is located within the northeast quadrant of the city inside the outer loop; Brooks Air Force Base is located in the southeast corner of the city inside Interstate Highway 410; and Lackland Air Force Base and Kelly Air Force Base are within the suburban fringe southwest of downtown.  San Antonio International Airport can be seen in the northern part of the city between Interstate Highway 410 and Highway 1604.  The Medina River, which originates in the Texas Hill Country west of San Antonio, can be seen meandering around the western and southern fringes of this large metropolitan area.  Distinct field patterns south of the city show an area used primarily for agriculture.<br><br>This sharp, cloud free view of San Antonio, Texas (29.5N, 98.5W) illustrates the classic pattern of western cities. The city has a late nineteenth century Anglo grid pattern overlaid onto an earlier, less regular Hispanic settlement. A well marked central business district having streets laid out north/south and east/west is surrounded by blocks of suburban homes and small businesses set between the older colonial radial transportation routes.",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS",
		"": "EFS/highres/STS050"
		"images.filename": "STS050-71-97.JPG",
		"frames.feat": "SAN ANTONIO AREA",
		"captions.caption": "STS050-071-097  San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A.  June 1992<br>San Antonio, Texas, one of the dynamic Sun Belt cities of the United States, is shown in this near-vertical, cloud-free photograph.  In addition to the downtown central business district and the grid street pattern of this fast-growing urban area, an extensive highway network is visible in the photograph.  Two distinct "loop" highways can be seen encircling the city--the inner loop (Interstate Highway 410) has an average radius of 7 miles (11 kilometers) from the central business district, and the outer loop (Highway 1604) has an average radius of 12 miles (19 kilometers).  Interstate Highway 10 radiates eastward and northward; Interstate Highway 35 radiates to the northeast and southwest.  San Antonio was founded around permanent springs that rise at the foot of the Balcones Escarpment, which separates the Texas Hill Country from the South Texas Plains.  Limestone quarries (highly reflective areas on the northeast side outside Highway 1604) are visible along the edge of the escarpment.  San Antonio is a major location for military training bases:  Randolph Air Force Base is on the northeast edge of the city between Interstate Highway 35 and Interstate Highway 10; Fort Sam Houston is located within the northeast quadrant of the city inside the outer loop; Brooks Air Force Base is located in the southeast corner of the city inside Interstate Highway 410; and Lackland Air Force Base and Kelly Air Force Base are within the suburban fringe southwest of downtown.  San Antonio International Airport can be seen in the northern part of the city between Interstate Highway 410 and Highway 1604.  The Medina River, which originates in the Texas Hill Country west of San Antonio, can be seen meandering around the western and southern fringes of this large metropolitan area.  Distinct field patterns south of the city show an area used primarily for agriculture.<br><br>This sharp, cloud free view of San Antonio, Texas (29.5N, 98.5W) illustrates the classic pattern of western cities. The city has a late nineteenth century Anglo grid pattern overlaid onto an earlier, less regular Hispanic settlement. A well marked central business district having streets laid out north/south and east/west is surrounded by blocks of suburban homes and small businesses set between the older colonial radial transportation routes.",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS",
		"": "EFS/lowres/STS050"
		"images.filename": "STS050-71-97.JPG",
		"frames.feat": "SAN ANTONIO AREA",
		"captions.caption": "STS050-071-097  San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A.  June 1992<br>San Antonio, Texas, one of the dynamic Sun Belt cities of the United States, is shown in this near-vertical, cloud-free photograph.  In addition to the downtown central business district and the grid street pattern of this fast-growing urban area, an extensive highway network is visible in the photograph.  Two distinct "loop" highways can be seen encircling the city--the inner loop (Interstate Highway 410) has an average radius of 7 miles (11 kilometers) from the central business district, and the outer loop (Highway 1604) has an average radius of 12 miles (19 kilometers).  Interstate Highway 10 radiates eastward and northward; Interstate Highway 35 radiates to the northeast and southwest.  San Antonio was founded around permanent springs that rise at the foot of the Balcones Escarpment, which separates the Texas Hill Country from the South Texas Plains.  Limestone quarries (highly reflective areas on the northeast side outside Highway 1604) are visible along the edge of the escarpment.  San Antonio is a major location for military training bases:  Randolph Air Force Base is on the northeast edge of the city between Interstate Highway 35 and Interstate Highway 10; Fort Sam Houston is located within the northeast quadrant of the city inside the outer loop; Brooks Air Force Base is located in the southeast corner of the city inside Interstate Highway 410; and Lackland Air Force Base and Kelly Air Force Base are within the suburban fringe southwest of downtown.  San Antonio International Airport can be seen in the northern part of the city between Interstate Highway 410 and Highway 1604.  The Medina River, which originates in the Texas Hill Country west of San Antonio, can be seen meandering around the western and southern fringes of this large metropolitan area.  Distinct field patterns south of the city show an area used primarily for agriculture.<br><br>This sharp, cloud free view of San Antonio, Texas (29.5N, 98.5W) illustrates the classic pattern of western cities. The city has a late nineteenth century Anglo grid pattern overlaid onto an earlier, less regular Hispanic settlement. A well marked central business district having streets laid out north/south and east/west is surrounded by blocks of suburban homes and small businesses set between the older colonial radial transportation routes.",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS",
		"": "ISD/highres/STS050"
		"images.filename": "STS050-71-97.JPG",
		"frames.feat": "SAN ANTONIO AREA",
		"captions.caption": "STS050-071-097  San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A.  June 1992<br>San Antonio, Texas, one of the dynamic Sun Belt cities of the United States, is shown in this near-vertical, cloud-free photograph.  In addition to the downtown central business district and the grid street pattern of this fast-growing urban area, an extensive highway network is visible in the photograph.  Two distinct "loop" highways can be seen encircling the city--the inner loop (Interstate Highway 410) has an average radius of 7 miles (11 kilometers) from the central business district, and the outer loop (Highway 1604) has an average radius of 12 miles (19 kilometers).  Interstate Highway 10 radiates eastward and northward; Interstate Highway 35 radiates to the northeast and southwest.  San Antonio was founded around permanent springs that rise at the foot of the Balcones Escarpment, which separates the Texas Hill Country from the South Texas Plains.  Limestone quarries (highly reflective areas on the northeast side outside Highway 1604) are visible along the edge of the escarpment.  San Antonio is a major location for military training bases:  Randolph Air Force Base is on the northeast edge of the city between Interstate Highway 35 and Interstate Highway 10; Fort Sam Houston is located within the northeast quadrant of the city inside the outer loop; Brooks Air Force Base is located in the southeast corner of the city inside Interstate Highway 410; and Lackland Air Force Base and Kelly Air Force Base are within the suburban fringe southwest of downtown.  San Antonio International Airport can be seen in the northern part of the city between Interstate Highway 410 and Highway 1604.  The Medina River, which originates in the Texas Hill Country west of San Antonio, can be seen meandering around the western and southern fringes of this large metropolitan area.  Distinct field patterns south of the city show an area used primarily for agriculture.<br><br>This sharp, cloud free view of San Antonio, Texas (29.5N, 98.5W) illustrates the classic pattern of western cities. The city has a late nineteenth century Anglo grid pattern overlaid onto an earlier, less regular Hispanic settlement. A well marked central business district having streets laid out north/south and east/west is surrounded by blocks of suburban homes and small businesses set between the older colonial radial transportation routes.",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS",
		"": "ISD/lowres/STS050"
		"images.filename": "STS050-71-97_2.JPG",
		"frames.feat": "SAN ANTONIO AREA",
		"captions.caption": "STS050-071-097  San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A.  June 1992<br>San Antonio, Texas, one of the dynamic Sun Belt cities of the United States, is shown in this near-vertical, cloud-free photograph.  In addition to the downtown central business district and the grid street pattern of this fast-growing urban area, an extensive highway network is visible in the photograph.  Two distinct "loop" highways can be seen encircling the city--the inner loop (Interstate Highway 410) has an average radius of 7 miles (11 kilometers) from the central business district, and the outer loop (Highway 1604) has an average radius of 12 miles (19 kilometers).  Interstate Highway 10 radiates eastward and northward; Interstate Highway 35 radiates to the northeast and southwest.  San Antonio was founded around permanent springs that rise at the foot of the Balcones Escarpment, which separates the Texas Hill Country from the South Texas Plains.  Limestone quarries (highly reflective areas on the northeast side outside Highway 1604) are visible along the edge of the escarpment.  San Antonio is a major location for military training bases:  Randolph Air Force Base is on the northeast edge of the city between Interstate Highway 35 and Interstate Highway 10; Fort Sam Houston is located within the northeast quadrant of the city inside the outer loop; Brooks Air Force Base is located in the southeast corner of the city inside Interstate Highway 410; and Lackland Air Force Base and Kelly Air Force Base are within the suburban fringe southwest of downtown.  San Antonio International Airport can be seen in the northern part of the city between Interstate Highway 410 and Highway 1604.  The Medina River, which originates in the Texas Hill Country west of San Antonio, can be seen meandering around the western and southern fringes of this large metropolitan area.  Distinct field patterns south of the city show an area used primarily for agriculture.<br><br>This sharp, cloud free view of San Antonio, Texas (29.5N, 98.5W) illustrates the classic pattern of western cities. The city has a late nineteenth century Anglo grid pattern overlaid onto an earlier, less regular Hispanic settlement. A well marked central business district having streets laid out north/south and east/west is surrounded by blocks of suburban homes and small businesses set between the older colonial radial transportation routes.",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS",
		"": "ISD/lowres/STS050"
		"images.filename": "STS050-71-97.TIF",
		"frames.feat": "SAN ANTONIO AREA",
		"captions.caption": "STS050-071-097  San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A.  June 1992<br>San Antonio, Texas, one of the dynamic Sun Belt cities of the United States, is shown in this near-vertical, cloud-free photograph.  In addition to the downtown central business district and the grid street pattern of this fast-growing urban area, an extensive highway network is visible in the photograph.  Two distinct "loop" highways can be seen encircling the city--the inner loop (Interstate Highway 410) has an average radius of 7 miles (11 kilometers) from the central business district, and the outer loop (Highway 1604) has an average radius of 12 miles (19 kilometers).  Interstate Highway 10 radiates eastward and northward; Interstate Highway 35 radiates to the northeast and southwest.  San Antonio was founded around permanent springs that rise at the foot of the Balcones Escarpment, which separates the Texas Hill Country from the South Texas Plains.  Limestone quarries (highly reflective areas on the northeast side outside Highway 1604) are visible along the edge of the escarpment.  San Antonio is a major location for military training bases:  Randolph Air Force Base is on the northeast edge of the city between Interstate Highway 35 and Interstate Highway 10; Fort Sam Houston is located within the northeast quadrant of the city inside the outer loop; Brooks Air Force Base is located in the southeast corner of the city inside Interstate Highway 410; and Lackland Air Force Base and Kelly Air Force Base are within the suburban fringe southwest of downtown.  San Antonio International Airport can be seen in the northern part of the city between Interstate Highway 410 and Highway 1604.  The Medina River, which originates in the Texas Hill Country west of San Antonio, can be seen meandering around the western and southern fringes of this large metropolitan area.  Distinct field patterns south of the city show an area used primarily for agriculture.<br><br>This sharp, cloud free view of San Antonio, Texas (29.5N, 98.5W) illustrates the classic pattern of western cities. The city has a late nineteenth century Anglo grid pattern overlaid onto an earlier, less regular Hispanic settlement. A well marked central business district having streets laid out north/south and east/west is surrounded by blocks of suburban homes and small businesses set between the older colonial radial transportation routes.",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS",
		"": "scanned/highres/STS050"
		"images.filename": "STS058-101-53.JPG",
		"frames.feat": "SAN ANTONIO, RIV., RES.",
		"captions.caption": "STS058-101-053  San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A.  October 1993 <br>Downtown San Antonio is the point of convergence of a major highway system (center of photograph).  East and west of the central business district are curving north-south-oriented Salado Creek and Leon Creek, respectively, both of which flow into the Medina River south of the city.  The meandering Medina River and its floodplain are prominent features as they loop around the west and south sides of the city.  Visible are the runways of Kelly Air Force Base (southwest) and Randolph Air Force Base (northeast) and Calaveras Lake and smaller Braunig Lake to the southeast.  An edge of the deeply dissected Edwards Plateau, known locally as the Texas Hill Country, is visible north of the city.  Highly reflective limestone quarries appear within the uplifted sedimentary rocks along the Balcones fault system.  The mined limestone is used to make cement and road gravel.<br><br>This sharp cloud-free photograph of San Antonio, Texas illustrates the classic pattern of western cities. The Hispanic heart of the city, an intertwining of streets along the San Antonio River and around the Alamo, surrounded by a late 19th century Anglo grid of small businesses and suburban homes. Transportation routes radiate to mid and late 20th century ring corridors separating the urban/suburban region from the surrounding agricultural countryside. Limestone quarries are conspicuous along the edge of the Balcones Escarpment, at the foot of which San Antonio was founded. Randolph Air Force Base is outside the city to the northeast, Fort Sam Houston is contained within the northeast quadrant of the city, Brooks Air Force Base lies at the southeastern corner, and Lackland and Kelly Air Force Bases are within the suburban fringe to the southwest. San Antonio International Airport can be seen at the foot of the escarpment in the northern part of the city.",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS",
		"": "EFS/highres/STS058"
		"images.filename": "STS058-101-53.JPG",
		"frames.feat": "SAN ANTONIO, RIV., RES.",
		"captions.caption": "STS058-101-053  San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A.  October 1993 <br>Downtown San Antonio is the point of convergence of a major highway system (center of photograph).  East and west of the central business district are curving north-south-oriented Salado Creek and Leon Creek, respectively, both of which flow into the Medina River south of the city.  The meandering Medina River and its floodplain are prominent features as they loop around the west and south sides of the city.  Visible are the runways of Kelly Air Force Base (southwest) and Randolph Air Force Base (northeast) and Calaveras Lake and smaller Braunig Lake to the southeast.  An edge of the deeply dissected Edwards Plateau, known locally as the Texas Hill Country, is visible north of the city.  Highly reflective limestone quarries appear within the uplifted sedimentary rocks along the Balcones fault system.  The mined limestone is used to make cement and road gravel.<br><br>This sharp cloud-free photograph of San Antonio, Texas illustrates the classic pattern of western cities. The Hispanic heart of the city, an intertwining of streets along the San Antonio River and around the Alamo, surrounded by a late 19th century Anglo grid of small businesses and suburban homes. Transportation routes radiate to mid and late 20th century ring corridors separating the urban/suburban region from the surrounding agricultural countryside. Limestone quarries are conspicuous along the edge of the Balcones Escarpment, at the foot of which San Antonio was founded. Randolph Air Force Base is outside the city to the northeast, Fort Sam Houston is contained within the northeast quadrant of the city, Brooks Air Force Base lies at the southeastern corner, and Lackland and Kelly Air Force Bases are within the suburban fringe to the southwest. San Antonio International Airport can be seen at the foot of the escarpment in the northern part of the city.",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS",
		"": "EFS/lowres/STS058"
		"images.filename": "STS058-101-53.JPG",
		"frames.feat": "SAN ANTONIO, RIV., RES.",
		"captions.caption": "STS058-101-053  San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A.  October 1993 <br>Downtown San Antonio is the point of convergence of a major highway system (center of photograph).  East and west of the central business district are curving north-south-oriented Salado Creek and Leon Creek, respectively, both of which flow into the Medina River south of the city.  The meandering Medina River and its floodplain are prominent features as they loop around the west and south sides of the city.  Visible are the runways of Kelly Air Force Base (southwest) and Randolph Air Force Base (northeast) and Calaveras Lake and smaller Braunig Lake to the southeast.  An edge of the deeply dissected Edwards Plateau, known locally as the Texas Hill Country, is visible north of the city.  Highly reflective limestone quarries appear within the uplifted sedimentary rocks along the Balcones fault system.  The mined limestone is used to make cement and road gravel.<br><br>This sharp cloud-free photograph of San Antonio, Texas illustrates the classic pattern of western cities. The Hispanic heart of the city, an intertwining of streets along the San Antonio River and around the Alamo, surrounded by a late 19th century Anglo grid of small businesses and suburban homes. Transportation routes radiate to mid and late 20th century ring corridors separating the urban/suburban region from the surrounding agricultural countryside. Limestone quarries are conspicuous along the edge of the Balcones Escarpment, at the foot of which San Antonio was founded. Randolph Air Force Base is outside the city to the northeast, Fort Sam Houston is contained within the northeast quadrant of the city, Brooks Air Force Base lies at the southeastern corner, and Lackland and Kelly Air Force Bases are within the suburban fringe to the southwest. San Antonio International Airport can be seen at the foot of the escarpment in the northern part of the city.",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS",
		"": "ISD/highres/STS058"
		"images.filename": "STS058-101-53.JPG",
		"frames.feat": "SAN ANTONIO, RIV., RES.",
		"captions.caption": "STS058-101-053  San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A.  October 1993 <br>Downtown San Antonio is the point of convergence of a major highway system (center of photograph).  East and west of the central business district are curving north-south-oriented Salado Creek and Leon Creek, respectively, both of which flow into the Medina River south of the city.  The meandering Medina River and its floodplain are prominent features as they loop around the west and south sides of the city.  Visible are the runways of Kelly Air Force Base (southwest) and Randolph Air Force Base (northeast) and Calaveras Lake and smaller Braunig Lake to the southeast.  An edge of the deeply dissected Edwards Plateau, known locally as the Texas Hill Country, is visible north of the city.  Highly reflective limestone quarries appear within the uplifted sedimentary rocks along the Balcones fault system.  The mined limestone is used to make cement and road gravel.<br><br>This sharp cloud-free photograph of San Antonio, Texas illustrates the classic pattern of western cities. The Hispanic heart of the city, an intertwining of streets along the San Antonio River and around the Alamo, surrounded by a late 19th century Anglo grid of small businesses and suburban homes. Transportation routes radiate to mid and late 20th century ring corridors separating the urban/suburban region from the surrounding agricultural countryside. Limestone quarries are conspicuous along the edge of the Balcones Escarpment, at the foot of which San Antonio was founded. Randolph Air Force Base is outside the city to the northeast, Fort Sam Houston is contained within the northeast quadrant of the city, Brooks Air Force Base lies at the southeastern corner, and Lackland and Kelly Air Force Bases are within the suburban fringe to the southwest. San Antonio International Airport can be seen at the foot of the escarpment in the northern part of the city.",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS",
		"": "ISD/lowres/STS058"
		"images.filename": "STS058-101-53_2.JPG",
		"frames.feat": "SAN ANTONIO, RIV., RES.",
		"captions.caption": "STS058-101-053  San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A.  October 1993 <br>Downtown San Antonio is the point of convergence of a major highway system (center of photograph).  East and west of the central business district are curving north-south-oriented Salado Creek and Leon Creek, respectively, both of which flow into the Medina River south of the city.  The meandering Medina River and its floodplain are prominent features as they loop around the west and south sides of the city.  Visible are the runways of Kelly Air Force Base (southwest) and Randolph Air Force Base (northeast) and Calaveras Lake and smaller Braunig Lake to the southeast.  An edge of the deeply dissected Edwards Plateau, known locally as the Texas Hill Country, is visible north of the city.  Highly reflective limestone quarries appear within the uplifted sedimentary rocks along the Balcones fault system.  The mined limestone is used to make cement and road gravel.<br><br>This sharp cloud-free photograph of San Antonio, Texas illustrates the classic pattern of western cities. The Hispanic heart of the city, an intertwining of streets along the San Antonio River and around the Alamo, surrounded by a late 19th century Anglo grid of small businesses and suburban homes. Transportation routes radiate to mid and late 20th century ring corridors separating the urban/suburban region from the surrounding agricultural countryside. Limestone quarries are conspicuous along the edge of the Balcones Escarpment, at the foot of which San Antonio was founded. Randolph Air Force Base is outside the city to the northeast, Fort Sam Houston is contained within the northeast quadrant of the city, Brooks Air Force Base lies at the southeastern corner, and Lackland and Kelly Air Force Bases are within the suburban fringe to the southwest. San Antonio International Airport can be seen at the foot of the escarpment in the northern part of the city.",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS",
		"": "ISD/lowres/STS058"
		"images.filename": "STS058-105-16.JPG",
		"frames.feat": "BOSTON TO PORTLAND",
		"captions.caption": "New England<br><br>This photograph includes much of the heart of New England, stretching from Boston and Boston Harbor (lower left) across New Hampshire and Vermont to Lake Champlain (upper left), and up to southern Maine (Portland is just off the photo at right center). North of Boston flows the Merrimack River (which forms part of the state boundary between Massachuesetts and New Hampshire). It is delineated by the small industrial towns (Concord, Manchester, Nashua, Lowell) which grew up on its banks. The White Mountains of New Hampshire are seen near the center, and Mt. Washington (6,288 feet) is capped with snow. Fort Sam Houston is contained within the northeast quadrant of the city, Brooks Air Force Base lies at the southeastern corner, and Lackland and Kelly Air Force Bases are within the suburban fringe to the southwest. San Antonio International Airport can be seen at the foot of the escarpment in the northern part of the city.",
		"frames.geon": "USA-NEW HAMPSHIRE",
		"": "ISD/highres/STS058"
		"images.filename": "STS058-105-16.JPG",
		"frames.feat": "BOSTON TO PORTLAND",
		"captions.caption": "New England<br><br>This photograph includes much of the heart of New England, stretching from Boston and Boston Harbor (lower left) across New Hampshire and Vermont to Lake Champlain (upper left), and up to southern Maine (Portland is just off the photo at right center). North of Boston flows the Merrimack River (which forms part of the state boundary between Massachuesetts and New Hampshire). It is delineated by the small industrial towns (Concord, Manchester, Nashua, Lowell) which grew up on its banks. The White Mountains of New Hampshire are seen near the center, and Mt. Washington (6,288 feet) is capped with snow. Fort Sam Houston is contained within the northeast quadrant of the city, Brooks Air Force Base lies at the southeastern corner, and Lackland and Kelly Air Force Bases are within the suburban fringe to the southwest. San Antonio International Airport can be seen at the foot of the escarpment in the northern part of the city.",
		"frames.geon": "USA-NEW HAMPSHIRE",
		"": "ISD/lowres/STS058"
		"images.filename": "STS058-105-16_2.JPG",
		"frames.feat": "BOSTON TO PORTLAND",
		"captions.caption": "New England<br><br>This photograph includes much of the heart of New England, stretching from Boston and Boston Harbor (lower left) across New Hampshire and Vermont to Lake Champlain (upper left), and up to southern Maine (Portland is just off the photo at right center). North of Boston flows the Merrimack River (which forms part of the state boundary between Massachuesetts and New Hampshire). It is delineated by the small industrial towns (Concord, Manchester, Nashua, Lowell) which grew up on its banks. The White Mountains of New Hampshire are seen near the center, and Mt. Washington (6,288 feet) is capped with snow. Fort Sam Houston is contained within the northeast quadrant of the city, Brooks Air Force Base lies at the southeastern corner, and Lackland and Kelly Air Force Bases are within the suburban fringe to the southwest. San Antonio International Airport can be seen at the foot of the escarpment in the northern part of the city.",
		"frames.geon": "USA-NEW HAMPSHIRE",
		"": "ISD/lowres/STS058"
		"images.filename": "STS090-732-73.JPG",
		"frames.feat": "SAN ANTONIO",
		"captions.caption": "STS090-732-073  San Antonio, Texas, USA  April 1998<br>Downtown San Antonio, or the central business district (highly reflective area), is located near the center of the picture where numerous highways seemingly converge.  Parts of the inner loop (Interstate Highway 410) and the outer beltway (Texas Highway 1604) are visible, as they partially encircle the built up urban area (mainly along the north side of San Antonio).  The highly reflective white patches north of Texas Highway 1604 are areas where limestone has been quarried as aggregate for highway construction.  Three reservoirs, (Calaveras, Brauning, and Mitchell) are visible (dark, irregular shaped features) southeast of downtown San Antonio.  The linear runways of Randolph Air Force Base ("H" shape northeast of city), Kelley Air Force Base (southwest of city), and San Antonio International Airport (north of downtown) can be identified.  The river channels, (Salada, San Antonio, and Leon Rivers) can be detected as meandering, dark features that eventually merge with the Medina River south of San Antonio.  Cultivated field patterns are seen west and south of the city.<br>",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS",
		"": "EFS/highres/STS090"
		"images.filename": "STS090-732-73.JPG",
		"frames.feat": "SAN ANTONIO",
		"captions.caption": "STS090-732-073  San Antonio, Texas, USA  April 1998<br>Downtown San Antonio, or the central business district (highly reflective area), is located near the center of the picture where numerous highways seemingly converge.  Parts of the inner loop (Interstate Highway 410) and the outer beltway (Texas Highway 1604) are visible, as they partially encircle the built up urban area (mainly along the north side of San Antonio).  The highly reflective white patches north of Texas Highway 1604 are areas where limestone has been quarried as aggregate for highway construction.  Three reservoirs, (Calaveras, Brauning, and Mitchell) are visible (dark, irregular shaped features) southeast of downtown San Antonio.  The linear runways of Randolph Air Force Base ("H" shape northeast of city), Kelley Air Force Base (southwest of city), and San Antonio International Airport (north of downtown) can be identified.  The river channels, (Salada, San Antonio, and Leon Rivers) can be detected as meandering, dark features that eventually merge with the Medina River south of San Antonio.  Cultivated field patterns are seen west and south of the city.<br>",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS",
		"": "EFS/lowres/STS090"
		"images.filename": "STS090-732-73.JPG",
		"frames.feat": "SAN ANTONIO",
		"captions.caption": "STS090-732-073  San Antonio, Texas, USA  April 1998<br>Downtown San Antonio, or the central business district (highly reflective area), is located near the center of the picture where numerous highways seemingly converge.  Parts of the inner loop (Interstate Highway 410) and the outer beltway (Texas Highway 1604) are visible, as they partially encircle the built up urban area (mainly along the north side of San Antonio).  The highly reflective white patches north of Texas Highway 1604 are areas where limestone has been quarried as aggregate for highway construction.  Three reservoirs, (Calaveras, Brauning, and Mitchell) are visible (dark, irregular shaped features) southeast of downtown San Antonio.  The linear runways of Randolph Air Force Base ("H" shape northeast of city), Kelley Air Force Base (southwest of city), and San Antonio International Airport (north of downtown) can be identified.  The river channels, (Salada, San Antonio, and Leon Rivers) can be detected as meandering, dark features that eventually merge with the Medina River south of San Antonio.  Cultivated field patterns are seen west and south of the city.<br>",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS",
		"": "scanned/lowres/STS090"
		"images.filename": "STS090-732-73_2.JPG",
		"frames.feat": "SAN ANTONIO",
		"captions.caption": "STS090-732-073  San Antonio, Texas, USA  April 1998<br>Downtown San Antonio, or the central business district (highly reflective area), is located near the center of the picture where numerous highways seemingly converge.  Parts of the inner loop (Interstate Highway 410) and the outer beltway (Texas Highway 1604) are visible, as they partially encircle the built up urban area (mainly along the north side of San Antonio).  The highly reflective white patches north of Texas Highway 1604 are areas where limestone has been quarried as aggregate for highway construction.  Three reservoirs, (Calaveras, Brauning, and Mitchell) are visible (dark, irregular shaped features) southeast of downtown San Antonio.  The linear runways of Randolph Air Force Base ("H" shape northeast of city), Kelley Air Force Base (southwest of city), and San Antonio International Airport (north of downtown) can be identified.  The river channels, (Salada, San Antonio, and Leon Rivers) can be detected as meandering, dark features that eventually merge with the Medina River south of San Antonio.  Cultivated field patterns are seen west and south of the city.<br>",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS",
		"": "scanned/lowres/STS090"
		"images.filename": "STS090-732-73_3.JPG",
		"frames.feat": "SAN ANTONIO",
		"captions.caption": "STS090-732-073  San Antonio, Texas, USA  April 1998<br>Downtown San Antonio, or the central business district (highly reflective area), is located near the center of the picture where numerous highways seemingly converge.  Parts of the inner loop (Interstate Highway 410) and the outer beltway (Texas Highway 1604) are visible, as they partially encircle the built up urban area (mainly along the north side of San Antonio).  The highly reflective white patches north of Texas Highway 1604 are areas where limestone has been quarried as aggregate for highway construction.  Three reservoirs, (Calaveras, Brauning, and Mitchell) are visible (dark, irregular shaped features) southeast of downtown San Antonio.  The linear runways of Randolph Air Force Base ("H" shape northeast of city), Kelley Air Force Base (southwest of city), and San Antonio International Airport (north of downtown) can be identified.  The river channels, (Salada, San Antonio, and Leon Rivers) can be detected as meandering, dark features that eventually merge with the Medina River south of San Antonio.  Cultivated field patterns are seen west and south of the city.<br>",
		"frames.geon": "USA-TEXAS",
		"": "scanned/lowres/STS090"

Getting Images

Images can be downloaded by forming URLs to the images using the "directory" and "filename" fields of the "images" table from the API query results and then using software that is capable of downloading images given the image URLs.

URLs to database images have this form: where and images.filename are the values returned by the API as shown in the examples above.

For example, if the JSON for a photo record is this:

		"": "ESC/large/ISS067",
		"images.filename": "ISS067-E-34710.JPG"

Then the URL to the image would be this: