Welcome to the Astronaut Photography Interactive Map!
Interactive Map
This interactive map can be used by clicking on any of the rectangles on the map, called "footprints", to display astronaut photography from the ISS.
Left click and drag pans through the map, right click and drag rotates and pitches, and the scroll bar zooms.
Control Panel
The control panel can be used to adjust the basemap, add borders and city labels, and select/deselect or modify the opacity of the photo footprints.
View in Batches
In highly photographed areas, footprints can become too dense to easily interact with. We recommend you View in Batches, which reduces the number of footprints visible at once.
You can form batches of any size and batch by a variety of criteria. Once you select an image, it remains on the map, even once you move to the next batch.
Per Image Controls
Each clicked footprint adds an image row to the control panel.
Image rows allow you to control properties like opacity and on/off state on a per image basis.
You can also use image rows to view the image page on the Gateway to Astronaut Photography Website, report a bad georeference, or download the image.
Focal Length Legend
Image footprints are color coded by their focal length.
Filter Menu and Sliders
Filter by various properties to only see imagery matching those conditions. The number under Filters shows how many images match the criteria.
For example, use the slider to filter by focal length and only see footprints matching your focal length criteria.
Search for a photo by ID (ISSXXX-E-XXXX), or a location by (lat,lon) coordinate or city name.
Map Tools
Share the map view at an image, report bugs, reset to full world view, view this tutorial, and learn more about the how we georeferenced these images.
Astronaut Photography Interactive Map
Astronaut Photo Interactive Map
Click a footprint to pull up a photo and explore astronaut photography around the world.