NM23-776-843 Austrian Alps, Austria Winter/Spring 1997
The rugged mountainous terrain of south central Austria and northwest Slovenia is readily observable in this southwest-looking color infrared view of this section of the Alps. Snow covers the higher elevations (white areas), mainly 7000 feet (2134 meters) above sea level. The dark red colors, which dominate this scene, map the forested slopes (green vegetation) with the intervening valleys aligned in an east-west orientation. The lighter shades of red show the narrow valleys that separate the dominant mountainous landscape. The location of the Austrian city of Klagenfurt is visible (concentrated light colored area) near the center of the picture at the eastern end of Lake Worther (elongated, thin dark feature in the center of the image). Two other Austrian Lakes, Ossiacher (nearest Lake Worther) and Millstatter (towards bottom right corner) can be identified as dark, linear features. The Drau River Valley (varying width, light colored swath) can be traced diagonally from lower right to upper left corner of the image. A small section of the Save River Valley, including Ljubljana (capital city of Slovenia), can be identified (lighter shades of red) in the upper right quadrant of the scene.

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