NASA's Image Detective Tutorial

astronauts taking images of Earth from ISS

We are excited that you are interested in becoming an Image Detective!

These pages provide the steps needed to get started. You may go through the steps using the tabs above or the arrow buttons below. Once you have passed the tutorial and received your badge number you can start earning points.

Why, you ask?

Astronauts take images of the planet because they see something of interest. Usually it is obvious why it is an interesting sight - could be a volcano, a delta, a city at night, the eye of a hurricane...

Because a person in space took the images, people say the images give them a more personal feeling for the planet - quite apart from the amazing colors and shapes you have probably never seen before. Also, crews often look far away from the position of the spacecraft, giving panoramic views of places hundreds of kilometers off track - far from the spacecraft position. The images give you a real idea of how big a dust storm can be, covering chunks of whole countries, or the extent of smog getting trapped in the valleys of Europe, China, or the United States, and that it can be so thick that an astronaut cannot see the ground. These images also give you an idea of how big a big city really is, or how long the Himalaya Mountains, the Alps, or the Rockies really are.

Why get the center point? Images are much more useful if we know exactly which spot on the planet they show - to know which volcano is erupting, not simply that it is one of thousands of volcanoes on the planet. Everyone gets more use from a picture if they know the image center point and have a brief description, like "New York City". Enter you, the center point detective! Scientists have used astronaut images for years, but the educational impact of astronaut images may be the most important thing about them. Watch your own geography skills change after you have located a few dozen images (ours sure did)! You will start to rack up points by correctly finding the center point and identifying the cloud cover percent and ground features.

Some choose an area they like - a coastline or city or state or nature preserve. Some folks just want to see what the planet looks like, because the images are so different from maps, often with something in them to surprise you. Some just like the challenge of trying to find the center point! Enjoy being part of the Imagery Detective Squad!

Happy hunting!
The Crew Earth Obs Team

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