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5700 x 5900 pixels 483 x 500 pixels 4000 x 3896 pixels 639 x 623 pixels
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Spacecraft nadir point: 38.2° N, 29.6° E

Photo center point: 38.0° N, 26.0° E

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Nadir to Photo Center: West

Spacecraft Altitude: 203 nautical miles (376km)
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Image Caption: Troy (in Turkey, at the SW end of the Dardanelles) to Greece [Mycenae in NE Peloponnisos, north of Argos, was the home of Agamemnon, leader of the Greek forces; Sparta in SE Peloponnisos was the home of his brother Menelaus, whose wife, Helen had been stolen away by a Trojan named Paris; Athens on the SW side the of the "thumb" of Greece]Between Turkey and Greece [are two islands] is an island of interest to historians and cultural anthropologists: [Rodhos and] Crete