NASA Photo ID | STS073-725-14 |
Focal Length | 250mm |
Date taken | 1995.10.24 |
Time taken | 15:22:48 GMT |
Resolutions offered for this image:
3872 x 3872 pixels 639 x 639 pixels 5700 x 5900 pixels 500 x 518 pixels 640 x 480 pixels
3872 x 3872 pixels 639 x 639 pixels 5700 x 5900 pixels 500 x 518 pixels 640 x 480 pixels
Cloud masks available for this image:
Country or Geographic Name: | USA-NEBRASKA |
Features Found Using Machine Learning: | |
Cloud Cover Percentage: | 15 (11-25)% |
Sun Elevation Angle: | 26° |
Sun Azimuth: | 132° |
Camera: | Hasselblad |
Focal Length: | 250mm |
Camera Tilt: | 54 degrees |
Format: | 5046: Kodak, natural color positive, Lumiere 100/5046, ASA 100, standard base |
Film Exposure: | Normal |
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Width | Height | Annotated | Cropped | Purpose | Links |
3872 pixels | 3872 pixels | No | No | Earth From Space collection | Download Image |
639 pixels | 639 pixels | No | No | Earth From Space collection | Download Image |
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500 pixels | 518 pixels | No | No | Download Image | |
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Image Caption: STS073-725-014 Platte River, Nebraska, U.S.A. October 1995
The Platte River traverses west to east between North Platte and Kearney (neither discernible) in this north-northwest-looking, low-oblique photograph. Obvious are early winter snows on either side of the river and some agricultural fields that have been cleared of snow by the wind.
The Platte River traverses west to east between North Platte and Kearney (neither discernible) in this north-northwest-looking, low-oblique photograph. Obvious are early winter snows on either side of the river and some agricultural fields that have been cleared of snow by the wind.