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Spacecraft nadir point: 25.8° S, 114.7° E

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Spacecraft Altitude: 192 nautical miles (356km)
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Image Caption: is a much closer, more nearly-vertical view of
disappointment Reach and surroundings. Ripple-like patterns extending
at right angles to the tidal flow can be discerned on shoals. Relict
sand dune patterns, crests unvegetated, are evident on the western
side of the estuary. Red mud brought down the Mooramel River on the
east side of the esturary does extend into the shallow water of the
intertidal lagoons. Most of the light-colored water along the coast,
though, represents shoals of lime sediment. Patterns of sediment
distribution by tides, waves, streams, and wind combine to create a
complex and colorful scene.

A nearly vertical view of Disappointment Reach and surroundings. Ripple-like patterns extending at right angles to the tidal flow can be discerned on shoals. Relict sand dune patterns, crests unvegetated, are evident on the western side of the estuary. Red mud brought down the Mooramel River on the east side of the estuary does extend into the shallow water of the inter-tidal lagoons. Most of the light-colored water along the coast, represents shoals of lime sediment. Patterns of sediment distribution by tides, waves, streams, and wind combine to create a complex and colorful scene.