NASA Photo ID | STS051-98-36 |
Focal Length | 250mm |
Date taken | 1993.09.16 |
Time taken | 20:18:48 GMT |
Cloud masks available for this image:
Country or Geographic Name: | ARGENTINA |
Features: | SMOKE PLUMES |
Features Found Using Machine Learning: | |
Cloud Cover Percentage: | 0 (no clouds present) |
Sun Elevation Angle: | 18° |
Sun Azimuth: | 283° |
Camera: | Hasselblad |
Focal Length: | 250mm |
Camera Tilt: | Low Oblique |
Format: | VELVI: Fuji, natural color positive, Velvia 50, CS 135-36, ASA 32, standard base |
Film Exposure: | Under Exposed |
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Image Caption: This view, acquired with a Hasselblad camera equipped with a 250mm lens, shows only a small portion of forest fires that marked the Earth photography taken over Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina during this mission. Numerous fires are visible in this late-dry-season scene of the areas between the Parana and Uruguay Rivers. Most of this burning is usually associated with agricultural preparations. The nadir point of the Space Shuttle at the time this photograph was taken (2018 GMT, September 16, 1993) was 28.5 degrees South, 60.0 degrees West. The view is to the west.