NASA Photo ID | STS047-151-643 |
Focal Length | 90mm |
Date taken | 1992.09.19 |
Time taken | 12:36:31 GMT |
Resolutions offered for this image:
640 x 480 pixels
640 x 480 pixels
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Camera: | Linhof |
Focal Length: | 90mm |
Camera Tilt: | High Oblique |
Format: | QX868: Kodak, natural color positive, Ektachrome QX868(5017 emulsion), ASA 64, thin base |
Film Exposure: | Normal |
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Image Caption:
STS047-151-643 Mt Spurr ash GMT 9/19 12:36:31. Mt Spurr, on the
northern end of the Alaskan Peninsula, erupted on September 17,
1992. The large ash plume was easily visible on environmental sa-
tellites, and started to move east from the mountain. Although
the STS047 south-looking attitude prevented the crew from viewing
the ash right after the eruption, they caught up with the long,
dark ash cloud roughly 2 days later. This photograph of the ash
cloud was taken over eastern Quebec and views west.
Mt. Spurr Volcano Ash Pall
9/19/92 12:36:31GMT
Mt Spurr (61.3N 152.2W) erupted on Sep 16th at 06:36 and 08:04GMT
ejecting an ash pall which came into the Shuttle's fields of view
on the 19th as shown here. (see also graphic)
STS047-151-643 Mt Spurr ash GMT 9/19 12:36:31. Mt Spurr, on the
northern end of the Alaskan Peninsula, erupted on September 17,
1992. The large ash plume was easily visible on environmental sa-
tellites, and started to move east from the mountain. Although
the STS047 south-looking attitude prevented the crew from viewing
the ash right after the eruption, they caught up with the long,
dark ash cloud roughly 2 days later. This photograph of the ash
cloud was taken over eastern Quebec and views west.
Mt. Spurr Volcano Ash Pall
9/19/92 12:36:31GMT
Mt Spurr (61.3N 152.2W) erupted on Sep 16th at 06:36 and 08:04GMT
ejecting an ash pall which came into the Shuttle's fields of view
on the 19th as shown here. (see also graphic)