NASA Photo ID | STS047-151-416 |
Focal Length | 250mm |
Date taken | 1992.09.15 |
Time taken | 10:31:23 GMT |
Resolutions offered for this image:
640 x 480 pixels
640 x 480 pixels
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Camera: | Linhof |
Focal Length: | 250mm |
Camera Tilt: | High Oblique |
Format: | QX868: Kodak, natural color positive, Ektachrome QX868(5017 emulsion), ASA 64, thin base |
Film Exposure: | Normal |
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Image Caption: Pyrenees Mountains surrounded by haze. This southeast looking oblique view shows the angle of the Bay of Biscay in the foreground, and the Pyrennees Mountains stretching to the left edge of the view. Distinct haze, probably aerosols, occupies the lower points in the lanscape on either side of the Pyrenees_in the Ebro River valley in Spain just beyond the Pyrenees (center), and in southern France (bottom left corner). Haze completely obscures the Mediterranean Sea just beyond the coast of Spain, which appears as a sharp line across the middle of the view. The difference between haze and cloud can be seen in this view, cloud masses appearing as whiter, more distinct masses with sharper edges.