NASA Photo ID | STS045-32-7 |
Focal Length | mm |
Date taken | 1992.__.__ |
Time taken | GMT |
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Spacecraft Altitude: nautical miles (0km)
Country or Geographic Name: | AURORA |
Features: | AURORA |
Features Found Using Machine Learning: | |
Cloud Cover Percentage: | |
Sun Elevation Angle: | ° |
Sun Azimuth: | ° |
Camera: | Nikon 35mm film camera |
Focal Length: | mm |
Camera Tilt: | High Oblique |
Format: | 5030: Kodak, natural color negative, Ektapress 5030, ASA 1600,standard base |
Film Exposure: | |
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Width | Height | Annotated | Cropped | Purpose | Links |
4000 pixels | 2674 pixels | No | No | Scientist Request | Download Image |
640 pixels | 480 pixels | No | No | ISD 1 | Download Image |
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Image Caption:
STS045-32-007: Aurora With Orbiter An active auroral display is
viewed across the payload bay of Atlantis. The multiple auroral
arcs are indicative of magnetic substorms caused by the interven-
tion of the solar wind with the EarthUs magnetosphere. The red
and green colors are caused by emissions from different atmos-
pheric gases. This photograph was acquired while the Space Shut-
tle was over the South Atlantic Ocean on revolution 65.
STS-45 Earth observation taken onboard Atlantis, Orbiter Vehicle (OV) 104, is of an active auroral display. The multiple auroral arcs are indicative of magnetic substorms caused by the intervention of the solar wind with the Earth's magnetosphere. The red and green colors are caused by emissions from different atmospheric gases. This photograph was acquired while OV-104 was over the South Atlantic Ocean on revolution 65. Barely visible in the foreground is the dark payload bay, OV-104's left wing tip, the orbital maneuvering system (OMS) pods, and the vertical tail.
STS045-32-007: Aurora With Orbiter An active auroral display is
viewed across the payload bay of Atlantis. The multiple auroral
arcs are indicative of magnetic substorms caused by the interven-
tion of the solar wind with the EarthUs magnetosphere. The red
and green colors are caused by emissions from different atmos-
pheric gases. This photograph was acquired while the Space Shut-
tle was over the South Atlantic Ocean on revolution 65.
STS-45 Earth observation taken onboard Atlantis, Orbiter Vehicle (OV) 104, is of an active auroral display. The multiple auroral arcs are indicative of magnetic substorms caused by the intervention of the solar wind with the Earth's magnetosphere. The red and green colors are caused by emissions from different atmospheric gases. This photograph was acquired while OV-104 was over the South Atlantic Ocean on revolution 65. Barely visible in the foreground is the dark payload bay, OV-104's left wing tip, the orbital maneuvering system (OMS) pods, and the vertical tail.