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Spacecraft nadir point: 40.7° N, 85.8° W

Photo center point: 42.0° N, 87.5° W

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Nadir to Photo Center: Northwest

Spacecraft Altitude: 133 nautical miles (246km)
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Image Caption:
S36-81-017: Chicago and Lake Michigan Low-oblique view, looking
southeast, shows the Chicago metropolitan area and the southern
portion of Lake Michigan. The Des Plaines River can be seen
meandering thorough Chicago, heading southwest to become the Il-
linois River. The Rlake effectS snows can be seen surrounding
the city and shoreline, dissipating to the south and west near
the right and upper right of the scene. Somewhat heavier snow
cover can be seen on the Michigan side of the lake at the upper
left of the view. Winds at the time this picture was taken were
most likely from the south or southwest, as evidenced in the
cloud wake extending northward across Lake Michigan from the
large industrial complexes near Gary, Indiana, on the southern
shore of Lake Michigan.

In this late winter scene of Chicago, Illinois, USA (42.0N, 87.5W) the light dusting of snow has actually enhanced the determination of the cities street pattern, parks and other cultural features. Sited at the south end of Lake Michigan, Chicago has long served as an industrial, transportation and communications center for the midwest. The obvious snowline on the ground enables meteorologists to trace the regional groundtracks of winter storms.