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Spacecraft nadir point: 23.0° N, 63.8° E

Photo center point: 28.1° N, 60.0° E

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Nadir to Photo Center: Northwest

Spacecraft Altitude: 225 nautical miles (417km)
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540 pixels 354 pixels Yes Yes Earth From Space collection Download Image
1440 pixels 960 pixels No No NASA's Earth Observatory web site Download Image
720 pixels 480 pixels Yes Yes NASA's Earth Observatory web site Download Image
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Image Caption: Bazman Volcano, Iran

Note: This caption refers to the image versions labeled "NASA's Earth Observatory web site".

Bazman volcano is located in a remote region of southern Iran within the Bazman Protected Area of Sistan and Baluchestan Provinces. While the volcano has the classic cone shape associated with stratovolcanoes, it is also heavily dissected by channels that extend downwards from the 3490 meter above sea level summit. This radial drainage pattern - looking similar to the spokes of a bicycle wheel - is readily observed in this astronaut photograph from the International Space Station. Such patterns can form around high, symmetric peaks when water runoff and erosion is not constrained by the resistance of geologic materials or barriers to flow, leading to essentially even distribution of water runoff channels around the central peak.

While there is no historical record of volcanism at Bazman, and no geologic record of eruptive activity within the past 10,000 years, some fumarolic activity - gas and steam emissions - have been reported, according to the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History's Global Volcanism Program. The summit of the volcano is marked by a well-formed explosion crater, and lava cones formed on the flanks of the main volcano are associated with well-preserved lava flows- a particularly striking example is visible on the north flank of Bazman at image center. Together, these observations and features are suggestive that Bazman may be a dormant, rather than extinct, volcano.